ARIA Technologies provides environmentally sustainable solutions and services to optimize energy management. We adopt the latest in cutting-edge technologies to reduce energy consumption, costs, and carbon footprint. Our team of experts offers customized re-tuning energy optimization and renewable energy integration solutions to transform infrastructures and support resilient sustainable industries.

Our Energy Solutions include:

Energy audit (ISO 50002–compliant)

Our ISO 50002–compliant energy auditing process creates savings-opportunity plans based on our clients’ specifications. These assessments focus on the largest consuming energy components, processes or equipment to identify opportunities for the reduction of energy waste, improvement of energy efficiency, and optimization of energy supply.

Energy management systems (ISO 50001- compliant)

Good energy-management strategies and plans are essential to achieving energy conservation and efficiency targets. Facility owners can take prescriptive actions, and identify and evaluate targets and KPIs to ensure they are realistic and effective. All strategies developed for our clients meet the international ISO 50001 requirements to develop a plan, identify and implement improvements, measure results, and then enable continuous improvement.

Implementation of AIRA Energy solutions at your facility will benefit you through:

  • Reducing energy consumption of all utilities
  • Decreasing operational costs
  • Improving process efficiencies
  • Prolonging the life of existing equipment
  • Reducing carbon footprint

ARIA Technologies services and solutions support our customers to a number of sectors including:

  • Industrial and Manufacturing Facilities
  • Hotels and Resorts
  • Hospitals and Health Facilities
  • Commercial and Shopping Malls
  • Energy Optimization​
  • Energy Monitoring

Ask About :
Recurring Services Agreement Contract (3 to 5 Years) For Energy Monitoring

Renewable energy integration

Using commercial renewable energy sources, such as solar energy, to power some or all of your business can help lower your business energy costs over time. Additionally, it generates power that is free of harmful CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases.

As a sustainability-focused energy company, ARIA Technologies is dedicated to providing turnkey solar system solutions to generate inexpensive electricity for our clients and make their energy system more efficient.