The Four Different Collaborative Robot Operations Explained

By Robotics Online Marketing Team
POSTED 11/12/2019

Collaborative robots (cobots) are assisting human workers in more ways than ever. A variety of options let the robots get their work done while ensuring human safety. Even traditional robots can become collaborative when certain safety devices are employed and they are properly integrated into a predominantly-human environment.

  •  Collaborative Robots Help Keep Humans Safe:
    Cobots, which are robots meant to safely collaborate with and work closely to humans, operate in many different ways. In 2012, the ISO 10218-1 safety standard was released, classifying the four types of collaborative robot operation.
  •  Safety Monitored Stop:
    Safety monitored stop pauses a robot’s motion while an operator is in the collaborative workspace. The robot maintains power but cannot move. This workspace is the shared space where a human and a robot perform tasks. While the workspace is clear of operators, the cobot works at high speeds. This results in a faster cycle time. Robots can also start back up automatically once the workspace is clear again.
  •  Hand Guiding:
    Hand guiding allows a cobot to move through direct input from an operator. The cobot stays in a safety monitored stop until an operator actuates the hand guiding device through an enabling switch. These devices are often used on robots as an intelligent lift device. Such assists are easier to maneuver than traditional designs. Hand-guided cobots can also work autonomously when operators aren’t around.


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